University Christian Church is a community that exists to nurture, support, and develop anyone seeking the renewing ways of Jesus.
Join us! / SundayS
Worship: 9.45–11.00am
Faith formation for children: 9.45–11.00am
Youth group (middle school & high school): 11.30am–12.30pm
Bible Discussion Group (college-aged): 1.00–2.30pm
Rohs Street Cafe Open: 2.00–9.00pm
Come, sing, praise, encounter the Word, gather at the Table, and celebrate new life in Christ!
UCC HAPPENINGS / Winter Semester 2025
Pray for Kingdom to come:
We hope to see you Monday, February 24th (7.00pm) for our monthly prayer meeting at UCC—an opportunity to gather in Jesus' name, soak in Scripture, and boldly call on the name of the Lord. Hope you can join us!
Celebrate God’s gifts:
Our 2025 pastoral letter from Megan and Jeremiah is freshly published. Click here to read along, and join us in celebrating the many gifts God has poured out this past year. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Please also take a moment to consider the five key ways we want to be praying together in 2025.
Pray for the campus:
Save the date for our next campus-focused prayer time on Sunday, March 9th (directly after worship). This is a regular time set-aside to meet with God and to contend for God’s Kingdom to come to campus. We'll walk around UC’s campus if the weather allows, or circle up at Rohs Street if the weather is crummy. Hope you can join us!
Sow Together:
At UCC, we trust that Christ is the one leading his church, and the more we—as his followers—anchor to him, allowing the Spirit to animate every aspect of our lives, the more expansive the Kingdom of God becomes. How are you feeling led to partner with the Spirit for the sake of God’s Kingdom–that is, to see wholeness come into human life, to witness the church enlivened, to participate in all generations coming to know Christ as Lord, and to be part of inciting transformation across every corner of society...
Here are five ways we can sow Kingdom together in the days/weeks ahead:
Join a group of UC undergraduates who will gather at the church building on Saturday, February 22nd (7.00–9.00pm) for Pop-Up Praise. All from UCC are welcome and invited to participate in this night of worship and prayer!
Pray for our children and teens! On Sunday(s), you'll find small, red paper hearts, each with the name of a child or teen in our community on the welcome table (along with prayer guides). Take a heart home and participate in the holy work of prayer.
Connect to the Justice Group—an evolving group that meets monthly to process and pray about Christ-like ways to respond to injustices in our city, state, country, and world. Email Randy to get on group emails and receive details about meeting dates, topics, and prayer points in advance:
Come alongside the Youth of UCC! YUCC meets on the first Sunday of every month for dinner, games, and spiritual formation. Can you help meet a very practical need by providing food for 20 teens/leaders? Sign-up here to lend a hand. Perhaps you'd like to get involved with our children and/or teen ministry in a more regular way? Send a note to Shannon to connect and learn more:
Expand the mission of UCC—to share the love of Christ with the university—by making a financial gift. Click here to securely give.