Life with God, in community.
Church is more than a Sunday morning event. It's about joining God's unfolding story and discovering the ways God invites us to participate in his creative, redemptive work in the world. Being part of the body of Christ takes us from strangers to friends, friends to family. At UCC, our fellowship is rooted in our movement towards Christ together. Beyond Sunday mornings, there are many ways to deepen your commitment to community life this year:
Small Groups: Winter Semester 2025
A number of small groups and bible studies—under the care of lay leaders and campus ministry partners—meet each week. These groups are designed to deepen our walk with Christ and with one another:
CARE Groups
Bible Studies & Affinity Groups
College-aged Bible Discussion | Sundays, 1.00–2.30pm
Contact Mitch:
Youth Group | 1st Sundays, 6–8.00pm
Contact Shannon:
Justice Group | 1st Sundays, 11.30–12.30pm
Contact Randy:
Mens Bible Study | Tuesdays, 7.30pm
Contact Todd:
Campus Prayer Hour | 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 12.00pm
Contact Mitch:
Moms Prayer Group | 3rd Fridays, 9.30am
Contact Shannon:
Eastside CARE | 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6.30pm
Contact Doug:
Clifton CARE | 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6.30pm
Contact Scott:
Service & Outreach
We give our time, our gifts, our dollars—in short, our whole lives—so that others may experience the love and light of Christ. Whether you feel called to serve within the church or across the city, we encourage you to offer yourself for the sake of the Kingdom. At UCC, there are several pathways to explore for service and outreach:
Rohs Street Cafe
Rohs Street Cafe is an outgrowth of UCC’s desire to connect with the Clifton Heights community and to see fair and just practices brought to the forefront of coffee culture in Cincinnati. What began as one student’s small seed of an idea—to create a monthly, pop-up coffee and concert venue in the basement of the church building—has grown through the years into a much more robust coffee shop operation. In the Spring of 2022, UCC partnered with 86 Ministries to help move Rohs Street into a new era so that we might continue to offer a place of hospitality to our neighbors for years to come. If you’d like to learn more about this part of our ministry effort and/or volunteer connect with Monica Human.
Children’s & Teen Ministry
The faith formation of our children and teens is a vital part of our ministry at UCC. Whether it’s serving with the children on Sundays or walking with teens on their journey with God, there are a number of ways to join. Shannon Sanker—our Pastor of Parents, Children, and Teens—would love to share more. Find Shannon in our atrium space on Sundays or connect via email.
Loaves & Dishes
It takes a village. More than a common adage, this idea undergirds the Loaves & Dishes ministry. Serve the UCC body by providing meals and prayer as needs arise. Connect with Sarah Bowman to sign-up and contribute.
UCC Cleaning Team
It takes a village to clean a village. That’s the other half of the adage right?! God has blessed UCC with a building on an anchor corner. And God knows, we use it! Vacuum, dust, and scrub. Let us know you can help here.
Justice Group
The UCC Justice Group meets monthly to explore issues surrounding biblical justice. Whether encouraging the body in deeper study, or planning church-wide efforts towards reconciliation, the Justice Group is one way to expand our understanding of God’s righteous justice fulfilled in Christ. Connect with Randy Wade Murphy to learn more about this ongoing effort.
Worship Team
We gather every Sunday to lift up our voices in praise. Our Worship Team, made up of volunteers from within the UCC body, leads us each week from the stage and behind the sound and technology board. If there are ways you’d like to explore contributing to this piece of the ministry, contact Rob Girvin.